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Reanne Powell

Home Work by Julie Andrews

I love biographies, so of course I was thrilled when my brother surprised me with this book. Julie Andrews is an icon and one cannot help but hear her name and picture her running though the hills singing “The Sound of Music” or reminding us that “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down”. That was the Julie Andrews I knew.

If you want to cling to that idealized version of this beloved actress, then this is not the book for you. In these pages, I discovered a woman who experienced pain, loneliness, confusion, joy, success, love, regret, and healing. Home Work provides a glimpse at what happens behind the flashing lights and the glitter of fame, and the hard work it took for her to raise a family and build a home with a career as an actress and performer.

I found this book to be refreshingly honest and forthright. She didn’t sensationalize her Hollywood life and her many successes. As she stated, “What is success? Is it the pleasure in doing the work, or the way it’s received afterward? The latter is ephemeral. The doing is everything.”

As I turned the last page, I came away with a deeper understanding of the cost that comes with fame. Life as an actress is not easy, and it made me all the more thankful for my seemingly ordinary days. Not matter who we are, we all have the same desires: to love and be loved and to use our gifts to do something that we love. In that way, she truly has been blessed.

⭐️ 9/10 ⭐️


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